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Downsizing before you buy or sell a home in Savannah Lakes Village

Written By Tana Yunker

Are you ready to simplify your lifestyle? When thinking about downsizing, what comes to mind? To some, it may seem overwhelming. To others it might bring a sense of freedom, knowing when the task is complete, there will be more time to do the activities we love. The less we have, the less we have to maintain. Ask the question- Is this worth picking up and moving? If the answer is no, get rid of it! It's much easier if you purge before a move and will make the unpacking more enjoyable. Even if you are not moving, maybe pretend for just a moment that you are. What would NOT be worth your time to pack, box, or bubble wrap? Consider letting those things go. Spend your efforts on the items that will bring joy in your next phase. A home should be a place that makes you feel happy when you walk in the door, surrounded by things you love. Be a curator for the collection that best reflects the new lifestyle you are hoping to have.

We have compiled a few tips to make downsizing less overwhelming. To begin with, you might consider creating a timeline. Having a date of completion always helps to stay on track. Next, try attacking one room at a time. Choosing to focus on one room will make the task seem more manageable. Take the energy from these small wins and let them give you the motivation to accomplish the big goals. Whether you are just in the planning stage of a downsize or already packing, another great idea is to create piles. Assign each a category. A few examples could be a keep, trash, donate/giveaway, and sell. As you touch each item ask yourself what pile it fits best. Be quick and intentional with your decisions and move on. The first feeling is usually the correct one. Trust your gut. Being free of the excess gives our overall well-being a sense of comfort and wellness, but hire a professional if the job seems too big. Several companies specialize in organization, decluttering, and orchestrating estate sales that best fit your needs. So whether you're downsizing to prepare for the sale of your home, moving into a new home, or just ready to simplify your lifestyle by eliminating unnecessary clutter, we're here for you. We have many resources to share that can make the transition go smoothly. Ask us! How can we help?

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