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Savannah Lakes Village Healthcare Facilities and Medical Emergencies


Savannah Lakes Village is well equipped for medical emergencies with AEDs available at the Recreation Center, the tennis and pickleball courts, both clubhouses, and the halfway houses of both golf courses. We have eighteen Emergency Medical Responders (first responders) living throughout the community and are near major hospitals in three counties.

For non-emergency medical, Savannah Lakes Village is home to two healthcare providers: Savannah Lakes Family Medicine (with doctors from Abbeville Area Medical Center) and Family Healthcare-Savannah Lakes (with doctors from Self Regional). Physical therapists are available through both facilities. McCormick's local pharmacy, Strom's, is full service and well-staffed.

The First Responders 

The Ed Meyers First Responders are a cherished and invaluable part of our community. The Sandy Branch Fire Department coordinates the eighteen responders who are all residents of Savannah Lakes Village and the surrounding area. First Responders are certified Emergency Medical Responders (EMR); additionally, some are trained firefighters. In a medical emergency, when a resident living in Savannah Lakes Village, New Bordeaux, or along 378 up to Greenfield Rd calls 911, the dispatcher puts out a call for a McCormick County ambulance and the first responders. Since the first responders live throughout our community, help is only five to ten minutes away from the time of the initial call. These dedicated volunteers provide medical care, comfort, and compassion until an ambulance arrives. McCormick County ambulances will take residents to their preferred hospital: Abbeville Area Medical, Self Regional, or one of three hospitals in Augusta, GA.


Just remember, in the event of a medical emergency call 911 – state your name, address, phone number, and subdivision and request the Ed Meyer First Responders along with the EMS. Stay on the line until told to disconnect.

McCormick County Ambulances

McCormick County has five ambulances on call 24/7. The Emergency Service ambulances and workers will take residents to either Abbeville, SC, Greenwood, SC, or Augusta, GA. The ambulances have devices to control stoplights and can rapidly reach any hospital. The traffic in this area is much more reasonable than in more metropolitan areas. And get this? People pull over here for ambulances to allow the EMS to proceed quickly. So instead of trying to slug through big city traffic for an hour to advance a few miles to the hospital, EMS here can cover 30 miles in less than 30 minutes.

Area Hospitals 

Self Regional, Greenwood, SC, 30 minutes from SLV 

Augusta University Health, 45 minutes from SLV 

University Health System, 45 minutes from SLV in Augusta, GA 

Charles Norwood VA Hospital-45 minutes from SLV in Augusta, GA 

Abbeville Area Medical-20 minutes from SLV 


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